\section{Color Palette} \automateframe{Main Colors}{ \begin{table}[] \small \centering \def \arraystretch{1.1} \begin{tabular}{|>{\columncolor[gray]{0.2}}c|>{\columncolor[gray]{0.2}}p{70mm}|} \hline \textbf{Color} & \textbf{Usage} \\\hline \testcolor{maincolor} & $\blacktriangleright$ Table of Contents Frame Background Color \newline $\blacktriangleright$ Frame Text Font Color \newline $\blacktriangleright$ Block Title Font Color\\ \hline \testcolor{toctxt} & $\blacktriangleright$ Table of Contents Font Color \newline $\blacktriangleright$ Frame Background Color \newline $\blacktriangleright$ Block Body Font Color\\ \hline \testcolor{frmtxt} & Frame Environment Color \\ \hline \testcolor{blkc} & Block Title Background Color \\ \hline \testcolor{statalegrey} & Block Body Background Color \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Colors} \label{tab:colors} \end{table} } \automateframe{Customization}{ \begin{itemize} \item To change the color of any element, replace the existing color in \texttt{beamertheme\_statale.sty}. \item New colors can be defined in \texttt{statale\_colors.sty} using RGB and CMYK values. \item \hrefcol{https://colorhunt.co/}{This} is a good resource for finding a color palette. \end{itemize} }